A case for my funky shades

I got those shades as a birthday gift to myself when we were in Philadelphia last December. It was meant to be a joke. I saw them in a antique/miscellanea shop while enjoying a couple of hours on my own browsing the lovely neighbourhood of Germantown. I thought it would be funny to go back and meet Warren and the children wearing something unusual and so not me. The shades would then go to the children’s dress up box. That was the plan. What I wasn’t counting on was the fact that they are actually very good sun glasses. In fact, the best pair I’ve ever had. The children delighted on seeing their funny looking mama (Warren was a bit shocked) and wanted to play with them straight away. But instead of letting them become a toy permanently I decided to adopt them as my sun glasses despite them looking a bit daft on me. So as soon as I had a chance to go to a yarn shop here in Rio I got some cotton yarn and started a case for my new shades. I made up the pattern and if I had to do another one I would definitely add more rows between the top of the case and the tie. But I’m pretty happy with it as it is.  The colours I chose are as daft as the glasses themselves and I think they actually go very well together!


funny shades


shades case



Esses óculos escuros foram um presente de aniversário que eu comprei para mim mesma quando estivemos na Filadélfia em dezembro passado. Era para ser uma brincadeira. Eu vi os óculos numa loja de antiguidades/brechó quando estava passeando a sós nas ruas do charmoso bairro de germantown. Eu achei que seria divertido voltar para encontrar com o Warren e asmeninas vestindo algo engraçado e absolutamente nada a ver comigo. Depois os óculos iriam para a caixa de brinquedos das crianças. Esse era o plano. No entanto eu não estava contando com o fato de os óculos são na verdade muito bons. De fato, o melhor par de óculos escuros que eu já tive. As meninas adoraram ver a mamãe chegando toda engraçada (o Warren ficou meio chocado) e quiseram logo ir brincando com os óculos. Mas ao invés de deixá-los virarem um brinquedo permanente eu decidi adotá-los apesar deles serem meio ridículos em mim. Então, assim que tive a chance de ir a um armarinho aqui no Rio eu comprei fios de algodão e comecei a fazer uma “caixa” de óculos. Eu mesma inventei o modelo, e se tivesse que fazer outra eu com certeza aumentaria o número de carreiras entre a borda do saco  e o cordão. As cores que eu escolhi são tão ridículas quanto os óculos mas eu acho que eles combinam perfeitamente!

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