Welcome Autumn

Autumn arrived yesterday at 11:09 pm greeted by the full moon, known as the harvest moon, for the first time in 19 years. To welcome the new Season I thought I’d share these pictures with you. When we went apple picking at the Pine Farm Orchards, last weekend, there were three big bins full of pumpkins. Their colours and shapes were so striking I couldn’t resist but to photograph them. The orange ones were actually mini-pumpkins that would fit in the palm of your hands. We got two for our nature table.


pumpkins 1

pumpkins 3

pumpkins 2


O outono chegou ontem as 23:09 sob a lua cheia, também conhecida como a lua da colheita, pela primeira vez em 19 anos. Para dar as boas vindas a nova estação eu gostaria de compartilhar essas fotos com vocês. Quando fomos colher maçãs no pomar da Pine Farm, no fim de semana passado, havia três caixotes cheios de abóboras. As cores e os formatos eram tão chamativos que não resiti e tive que fotografar. As abóboras laranjas eram mini abóboras e cabiam na plama da mão. Trouxemos duas para casa para colocar na nossa mesa da natureza.


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