Soap making


During the Summer Festival of Arts and Education Warren took the “Soap Making and the Soul” workshop. Isn’t that an amazing title for a course? Well, he not only thoroughly enjoyed it but also brought home many beautiful and creative soaps. He also got some extra base material because he thought it would be a fun activity to do with the girls. He was spot on. A few weeks ago (when it was still warm and sunny around here) he and the girls rolled up their sleeves and got busy picking flower petals, mixing food colouring, essential oils and soap base and created beautiful gifts that will find their way to our friends at Christmas time. The girls enjoyed it so much that a few weeks later they asked to do it again and had a second go at it with their amazing papa. Look at their proud faces showing off their creations!



Durante o Summer Festival of Arts and Education o Warren fez parte da oficina “Fazendo Sabão e a Alma”.  Bom, ele não somente curtiu o curso como também trouxe para casa vários sabões lindos e criativos. Ele também trouxe a base que se usa para fazer o sabão porque achou que seria uma boa atividade para fazer com as meninas. E ele estava certíssimo. Há algumas semanas atrás (quando ainda estava calor e ensolarado por aqui) ele e as meninas enrolaram as mangas e puseram-se a colher pétalas de flores, misturar anelina, óleos essenciais, e a base do sbão e criaram lindos presentes que vão ser dados aos nossos amigos no Natal. Elas curtiram tanto o processo que algumas semanas depois elas pediram para fazer sabão de novo e repetiram a dose com o papai maravilhoso que elas têm. Olha só a cara de orgulho delas!

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