Preparing for the Summer

On Sunday, after we returned from the May Day celebration, we started to prepare our garden for the Summer. We transferred the vegetable bed from the back of the garden where is very shady, to a spot closer to the house where the huge Maple tree used to be. Now that the tree is gone there is plenty of of sun light reaching the ground and we will have a better chance of being successful with our crops.  Not only that but the new location will allow us to see the garden from our dinning room window!

Marta and Liliana were eager helpers. Liliana even insisted to wear her rain jacket and wellies do do the work even though the weather was glorious.  They were both fascinated by the earthworms that surfaced as we turned the soil. They enjoyed holding them in the palms of their hands and watch them wriggle and slide. They then, were very careful to put them back in the earth. The pictures don’t show it but now the peas already made it to the garden and we’re just waiting for it to become a bit warmer for the tomato plants and sunflowers to go out too. We’re also trying to find some good seeds for carrots, beets, lettuce and potatoes.




veg bed


No domingo, depois que voltamos da celebração do May Day, nós começamos a preparar o jardim para o verão. Nóstransferimos a horta do fundo do quital onde há muita sombra, para perto da casa onde estava a árvore que foiderrubada no outono. Agora que a árvore se foi a luz do sol alcança o chão em abundância e as nossas chances de sucesso com a colheita aumentam. Agora também podemos ver o progresso da horta da nossa sala de jantar!

Marta e Liliana ajudaram bastante e a Lili insistiu em vestir botas e capa de chuva ainda que o tempo estivessemaravilhoso. As duas ficaram fascinadas pelas minhocas que apareceram quando viramos a terra. Elas gostaram de segurá-las na palma da mão e vê-las encolher, esticar e deslizar. Depois as colocaram cuidadosamente de volta naterra. As fotos não mostram, mas agora as ervilhas já estão plantadas e estamos esperando o tempo esquentar mais um pouquinho para podermos transferir os tomates e os girassóis lá para fora. Também estamos tentando achar boas sementes de cenoura, beterraba, alface e batatas.

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