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March 2010

What Autumn?

Happy Spring for you in the the North Hemisphere! Here, below the Equator line it is supposed to be Autumn now but …

Sunshine doily

I was browsing the newsstand the other day and  bought a Spanish crochet magazine because it had a beautiful pattern for a …

Why keep it to the lines…

…when painting can be a whole body experience? I prefer to give my children a piece of blank paper to draw or …


I did it. I finished the quilt for my sister’s baby in time for her to take it back home with her. …

Feline transportation

I just thought I’d share this rather unusual way of carrying your kitty cat. Mind you, this was a pretty busy winding …

Museu Casa do Pontal

Whilst trying to keep a healthy rhythm for the children here in Rio we have been managing to fit a little bit …

A quick baby quilt

Before we left Canada for our holidays I thought of a few crafts projects to do while here in Brazil. One of …

A case for my funky shades

I got those shades as a birthday gift to myself when we were in Philadelphia last December. It was meant to be …