Doing sculpture

Back at the RSI, a couple of weeks ago, I had a chance to participate in the course Doing Sculpture as a Transformative Activity. While Warren kindly looked after Marta and Liliana I delved into a journey of form and transformation led by the lovely Axel Ewald. For one, it was wonderful to focus on something else other than children or children related subjects. Suddenly I felt so grown up! Jokes apart, I thoroughly enjoyed working with clay and was fascinated by transformative processes in nature that we observed and used to guide our own creative process.  For instance we observed how the leaves in one plant change dramatically in shape across the life span of the plant. We then explored which forces might be at work in those transformations and tried to work with them in our own sculptures. We then did the same observation with the flower part of the plant and again tried to translate it into our work.  It was a week of intense exposure to something completely new to me and it really filled me with wonder. I look forward to one day doing a longer period of plant observation. One day… the seed has been planted.


three step transition
Preliminary exercise exploring transformation in three steps. First: contemplation, second: movement, third: polarities
Transformation in seven steps
Transformation sequence in seven steps based on the observations made on leaf sequences.
transformation in five steps
Transformation sequence in five steps based on the observations of the flower part of the plant


Há duas semanas atrás, no RSI, eu tive a chance de participar do curso de escultura Doing Sculpture as a Transformative Activity. Enquanto o Warren cuidava das meninas eu mergulhei numa jornada de forma e transformação conduzida pelo muito amável Axel Ewald.  Já valeu pelo fato de eu ter tido o tempo e o espaço para focar em outra coisa que não seja criança ou assunto relacionado a crianças. Me senti adulta novamente! Mas piadas a parte, eu curti muito trabalhar com argila e fiquei fascinada pelo processo transformativo da natureza que observamos e usamos para guiar o nosso processo criativo. Por exemplo, nós obervamos como as folhas de uma planta mudam de forma dramaticamente no curso de sua vida. Nós então exploramos que forças estariam agindo nessas tranformações e tentamos trabalhar com elas nas nossas esculturas. Nós também observamos uma flor ela é formada e tentamos traduzir o processo no nosso trabalho. Foi uma semana de intensa exposição a um assunto completamente novo para mim que me encheu de admiração. Um dia eu gostaria de observar o crescimento de uma planta por um período mais longo. Um dia… a semente fo plantada.

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