Craft scene

I’ve been pretty bad at documenting my work lately, both visually and in words. I keep waiting until I have the time, or better light, or tidy background… to make some nice pictures but that never seems to happen.  As we’re gearing up to go to Brazil next week and the to-do list is only increasing, I thought I’d use the pictures I have and just put all in one post.  This is what I have been working on for the past two moths:

A pair of mittens for me! Finally. I’m also almost finished with this shawl that I’ve been working on and off for the past two years.


Finished Warren’s vest. And Liliana’s too, but alas, no picture was taken.


I made this skirt for me. I also made a linnen skirt and a linnen blouse but no pictures yet.


And made skirts for the girls to use in Brazil using this tutorial.


Ultimamente eu tenho andado meio relapsa no que diz respeito a documentar os meus trabalhos, tanto visualmente quanto em palavras. Eu fico esperando ter tempo, a luz perfeita, a casa arrumada… para tirar boas fotografias, mas parece que as condições nunca estão perfeitas. Como estamos nos preparando para ir ao Brasil semana que vem e a lista de coisas para fazer só cresce, eu resolvi usar as fotos que já tinha colocar tudo num só post. É isso que venho fazendo nos últimos dois meses.


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