More Winter play

Last Saturday we had a whole morning of snow fall, the wet, good packing snow. Perfect for snow balls and snowmen. We spent a good four hours playing outside non-stop. When making things out of snow wore off I brought out some food dye an the girls had a wonderful time painting the snow. Liliana and Marta were busy digging into the giant snow ball making fairy houses and later at night the holes became candle holders and we enjoyed our creations from the dinner table. Fun, fun, fun!



No sábado nevou a manhã toda, aquela neve molhada, boa mesmo para fazer bolas ou bonecos de neve. Nós passamos umas boas quatro horas brincando no jardim. Marta and Liliana cavaram buracos na bola de neve gigante para fazer casas para as fadas. Quando as meninas cansaram de fazer coisas de neve eu trouxe corante de comida da cozinha e as meninas se puseram a colorir a neve. A noite colocamos velas nos buracos da bola de neve e curtimos as nssas criações da sala de jantar. Só diversão!



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