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Two finished projects

  I realized I show many more projects that I’m starting or working on then finished ones. Truth be said, some don’t …

Where is Spring?

In the past two days the temperature has dropped to below 0C and feels like winter all over again. Yesterday school was …

Crafting away from home

  The nice thing about making something while traveling is the memory that becomes attached to the finished object. Even if they …

St. Michael and the dragon

Michaelmas is a Fall festival in which we reach inside ourselves to find strength and courage to go through the days that …

Upcycled tank top

I made this top especially to take on our trip to Brazil. I’ve had this pattern since 2009 and never quite got …

While in Philly

Even though we did a lot of outings while in Philadelphia I knew we were going to have a lot of home …

Door stopper

I found this big(ish) stone when we were camping this Summer and thought it would be nice to make a crochet cover …

Another covered rock

I really took my time with this one. I think it has been some three or four weeks since I started this …

Crochet covered stones

I finished the gift I was making for my sister in law and I’m really thrilled by how they turned out. The …

Right now…

… I’m patiently waiting for the tulips to bloom. … I’m enjoying watching the children play outside as the days warm up. …